25... and counting...
It's been a year since I set foot in England, and a year since my last birthday.
I'm glad I'm not going back to England this summer; that was an expensive trip.
Then again, it's probably the only reason I applied for my Grad studies scholarship, so it could be said that I technically made money from the whole deal.
That's a dangerous pattern of thinking. Next thing you know, I'll be taking a motorcycle trip to Patagonia as part of a research project.
I'd better quit while I'm ahead.
re: taking a motorcycle trip to Patagonia as part of a research project
25 what?
I was wondering if anyone would notice...
The original title was something like "on my 25th birth-day" (which would be correct if you count the day of birth as the first birth-day.) I changed it a couple of times after that, but somehow I forgot to change the number, and all of the references to counting errors were edited out of the post itself.
'blogs are a lot of work.
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