YSaC, Vol. 612: I usually obey the French clarinet.

You Suck at Craigslist isn't as consistently funny/bizarre as regretsy, but this one is just awesome:
YSaC, Vol. 612: I usually obey the French clarinet.

late model speed boat ckmate deolpemate – $4495
19.6 ckmate remake deolplemate reborn 488 power speed of about the load fuel levl and power to drive at 72 mph avarave pwere about 52 mph 30gl hafe day 4 hour run time rebuile 488 alphs one lond shaft steanless steeel 21 pick wake bord hill gria tshort lin e tube mursruser enthing almos t new. see phote more to add call xxx.xxx.xxxx nice low pro trailer nice tred but there 20 years old . regration for boat tille for trailer .trade for rv driveable bus van motor home wante nice speeed ventage boat nice R/V/R/c toy wanted must be whole collecions 10. $ trade value 4500 dallars buys it need more house cnotrantor add to apply you built the she shaye boats your .better the 20 X30 side add on and one truck garade added to my paid for lake front homee test in the spring fron t yord .winertized wel sell and set up.spring 2010

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