Online Comic Strips

I've often been surprised at the mostly-accurate evaluations of literary criticism that appear in online comic strips.
Case in point:

I've written essays like that.
Surprisingly, feminists within academia aren't nearly as likely to lash out at you for positing a sexist ideology behind a work of dad-white-man's writing; in fact, they'll probably suggest that you submit the piece to a conference, or ask you to talk about it in front of their undergraduate class...

Anyway, my hypothesis is that all of this finger-pointing and laughing at literary criticism comes from disgruntled former English majors. How else would they all know so much about the idiotic quirks of the system under which I serve?

So, there's a good chance you'll see me starting my own web-comic sometime in the next decade, after I've given up on serving the University and decided to make my own way in the world by criticising it instead.

(What's tragic is that I'm pretty sure 90% of academics felt this way during the course of their graduate training. They feel guilty about submitting to the lunacy of the academic machine, but lack the wherewithal to create any radical change, instead perpetuating the system while sitting on committees. Meanwhile, they continue criticising the whole thing behind closed doors, only avoiding an outright condemnation of academia for the sake of bright-eyed young students who might, some day, make a difference.)

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