Excuse of the Week

I'm writing an essay on eternity right now.
(Well, not literally right now, but I've been working on it this evening.)
I've been working on this five-page paper for an entire week. This is an all-time record for me. I actually started writing the litany for grad instead of working on this essay. I actually organized my dresser and found old shirts to get rid of instead of finishing the essay last night.

Somewhere here there's a joke, but I can't come up with the right timing for a punchline.


Anonymous said...

The joke is that we could have all of eternity to write a paper but not have gotten any further than the day we got the assignment. It just makes it ironic that you are writing your paper eternity. At least, I think that's funny, but haven't quite decided yet.

Anonymous said...

so did you get this essay done?

Jack said...

Yes, it's done.
Done, done-done dooone...