Wrapping Things Up

Exams are done, as of yestarday morning.
My favourite part of finishing a semester is the haircut. (Yes, I kept the beard.) I've reserved haircuts for momentous occasions for the last couple of years at least, (since my year-long Nazirite vow in 2001), though there's probably something in the motivation stretching back to early childhood. (Freud, get out of my head!)
Come to think of it, back when I was in our yearly Easter play I was forced to grow my hair out for the sake of "authenticity." It was always a good feeling on Easter Monday, getting that haircut and washing away the last of the stage makeup. I suppose my attitude toward University exams is something of a throwback to that sense of "performance."

In other news, the world of 'blogging has lured another wand'ring soul into to the fold.

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